1975 page
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1977 page

1976 Graduates

"The photo of Grad '76 (Sue Ryan, Marielle Demers and Rennee Barette) was taken on the highway between Halifax and Fredericton on Thanks Giving weekend 1977 (Sue and Renee studying in Halifax, Marielle in Fredericton."

Grad '76

Auray, Martine

- Martine is married with four kids,Amelie 16, Alex and Ralph 13, Vanessa 10. She is an elementary school principal and is very happy. Hopefully I can get her on the net soon. She 'll be thrilled to hear about this site. (Caroline Auray)

Barette, Renée

Batley, Nancy Carol

Bittman, Marie Hélène Gracia

Brown, Cindy

Burns, Allen Clarence

Charette, Charles Armand

- My email address : armand_charettejr_7iles@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Connolly, Gary

Court, Gail Darlene

Demers, Marielle

DeRosa, Franco

Ehrlenholtz, Susan

- Hi! It took me awhile, but I found the QEHS website. I went to Mount Allison University after QEHS, got a BA in English. Have been working at the UofC for the last many...many years. I've been married for at least as many manys and have a 15 year old son named Kris. The three of us live to golf. I'd be happy to hear from anyone who can actually remember me from Queenie. My email address : kwiatkow@ucalgary.ca. Email me :)

Fischer, Stephen *

- Wow! What a trip down memory lane!

- I would have graduated in '76 if we hadn't left Sept-Iles in 1974 for the west. After a year and a half in Calgary we were back (almost), in Port Cartier. Mark (would have been a '76 grad as well) and I graduated from Riverview School and then the family spent 2+ years in India.

- Mark, Beth (would have been a '77 grad), and I all attended Carleton University in Ottawa (Mark and I graduated in Mechanical Engineering and Beth with a BSc Honors in Biology & Geology). I'll let Mark, Beth, and Nancy (who would have graduated in '81 - while she attended Fleming, she did spend her Grade 1 at Queen E) give you their updates themselves. I will say that I am a proud uncle 5 times (2 wonderful nephews and 3 lovely nieces).

- I spent 14 years in the engineering office of a paper machine fabric manufacturer west of Ottawa, before moving to Kitchener for 6 years as Chief Engineer and Engineering Manager for manufacturers of pulp and paper equipment and mechanical presses.

- I am currently in Timmins, Ontario working as Project Leader for Mine Services and Underground Materials Infrastructure for what is soon to be the deepest base metals mine in the world (10, 500 feet deep). I think that living here in Timmins reminded me of my roots and prompted my web-search. The team who set this up is to be congratulated.

- I was always terrible at keeping in touch but after reading some of the messages on this web-site, I would definitely like to correct that. Drop me a note! I would love to hear from our old (and that has nothing to do with our age) classmates. My email address is : stepinkitch@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Grace, Robert David

Guerra, Klondy Soledad

- Hi - It was really nice to find this site and read your info. I am teaching in a corporate environment and studying at night to have a certificate in Adult Education. Nothing else is new but that I have travelled, loved, lost and won. I am very happy and healthy. My email address is : Klondy@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Hogan, Suzie Dawn

- Hi, I'm living in Sept-Iles just want to know how you guys are doing send me an e-mail BYE! My email address is : bonny_suzie@hotmaill.com. Email me :)

Hunt, Ross

Keays, Susan Marie

- Susan lives in the Eastern Townships.

Labrador, Anthony*

- Hi all wow this is so cool. I would have graduated in 1976 but left in 74 back to Montreal. Finished high school in Town of mout royal. Joined the Canadian forces for 4 years. Got out back to Montreal worked around a bit as a bartender and chef. Joined the U.S. Army, request Airborne training, then Ranger training, was assigned all over the world rising in rank to Master Sargeant, retired in 2001, Have 1 daughter, 20 years old, and have a BA in education, living and working in prescott, on. hope to hear from some of you soon. My email address is : bonny_suzie@hotmaill.com. Email me :)

Lamontagne, Michel

- Well well, fantastic way for us to get back in touch. Quite a lot of water under the bridge since 1976. I lived and "studied" in Lennoxville till 1980 and also took chef's training. Spent six months travelling around the world had a blast!! On a whim I drove to Edmonton with Bruce Thoms in 1980 and have been here ever since except for a year working in Zurich and several trips abroad. I spent last winter in Venezuela with Javier, remember Javier?? I am an avid cyclist and have dragged my old bike to England, Holland, Switzerland, Morocco, India, oh ya, I also spent 6 months in the Cayman Islands, B.C., Washington...
- I am still "cheffing" love it one day hate it the next. I don't cook so much any more as I have developed a specialty of being a "start-up guy". I design and open food-service operations and stores for people with real money and then turn them over to the people that will actually operate them on-going. Opened two restaurants and two stores in the last twelve months.
- I am married to Christine a native Albertan of German ancestry. We have a 17 year old boy who is in first year science at U.of A. Chris is also a buisness person (M.B.A.) and is crazy about her field. I am planning a trip to Sept-Iles this summer (2000) perhaps it will materialize perhaps not. Last time in Sept-Iles was 1989 when we took two months off and drove across Canada. Fantastic trip....just too short. Boy what would I give for just one more beach party!!! In a capsule that's it for now. Miss you all (ok,well most of you) Michel. My email address is : ourchef@hotmail.com, Email me :)

Lancaster, Caroline Mary

Larson, Leslie Arlee

Mack, Ricky*

- I left Sept-Iles in 73, so I did not graduate. My family moved to Southern New Brunswick, where my sister Laurie (1974) and I finished High School. I served in the Canadian Army for 5 years. I then came out west to be edumicated at the u of eh. I now teach Junior High School (7-9) Language Arts, Social Studies, French and Drama. I live in Michel Lamontange's old house.(74) Michel is still my neighbour. I am married to Monique Raymond (from Matane) and have a six year old named Frederic who is fluently bilingual. My sister Laurie lives in Ottawa, my mom also. Laurie is a manager of an IBM computer security firm. She has 2 boys, 6 and 4. My parents are divorced and my dad Frank is married to the former Denise Mitchell, mother of Ken, Jim and Donna. (All of Sept-Iles) I was sorry to hear of the death of my friend; Neil Nadeau (1976). I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me or my sister. My email address is : richard.mack@epsb.edmonton.ab.ca. Email me :)

McCaw, Michelle

- Hi everyone.... this is a great site, hope more people catch on and submit their stuff, love hearing what everyone is up too.

- I'm living in Cambridge with my husband, Alan and two kids, 16yr old Keith and 12 yr old Hazel. I am a project coordinator for a Architect/Construction company in Kitchener. I have kept in contact with Wendy Trites and have heard from a few, but when we all live in the fast lane, hard to keep up with every one. My email address is : hughesfamily@rogers.com . Email me :)

Michaelis, Susan Claire

- Went on to CEGEP (John Abbot) then to TRENT and QUEEN's university. Have been a teacher of French as a Second Language since 1982. Have bought 52 acres in this cottage country and will be building this spring. The property includes a huge beaver pond and we see much wildlife. It is great, just like Sept Iles but a little warmer.

- GREAT SITE> CAN'T WAIT TO MEET UP WITH PALS> My email address is : SZN394@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Monaghan, Renée Odette

Morangelli, Mary Michelle

Morel, Andrée

- After graduation I attended O'Sullivan College for one year. I then travelled to Austria & Spain for two months before I started working full time. At about that time I met Johanne O'Brien's older brother, Frank. Frank and I were married in 1982 and we have two daughters, Kimberly (14) and Christine (10). After Kimberly was born we moved from Montreal to the Ottawa area and built our house in Fitzroy Harbour (a small village west of Ottawa). Every summer you will find us in Sept-Iles visiting family (my in-laws are Sept-Iles natives) and friends. My email address is : fobam@sympatico.ca. Email me :)

Morissette, Carmen Lucy

Morissette, Mario Gilles

O'Brien, Johanne Lorraine

- After working as a receptionnist for 8 years I went back to University and got a BA in Teaching English as a Second Language. Since 1979 I travelled around the province of Quebec, but now am living in Quebec City since January 14, 2000.
- I would like to add that I was married for 20 years, have a wonderful 14-year-old son (Luc) and an adorable 6-year-old blond golden retriever. I am an Indepedent Nikken distributor and an English High school teacher. Congratulations to the founders of this interesting site, this is pretty exciting! Would love to hear from anyone I knew from our beloved school, Queenie! My email address is : loveanlightjob@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Ormston, Margaret Susan

Packer, Michèle

Sanahuja, Javier J.

Talbot, Jacques

- Found out about this great page from my sister Christine, while passing though Moncton NB. Graduated in 1976, (new century - must specify) as did my siblings Lise, Sandy, Mich in their respective years.(Christine finished in Goose-Bay). Since my grad, I have lived in Goose-Bay Labrador, Inuvik NWT, Masset BC and have been in the Ottawa area since 1989. Presently in Kemptville ON, with my wife Judy and our three daughters: Michelle (20), Angela (13) and Jacqueline (6). I'm a Communications Researcher in the Canadian Armed Forces with 17 years of criss-crossing the country from top to bottom/east to west. Its very nice to see familiar names and would like to hear from many of the people I knew in them "good ole days". Last visited Sept-Iles in 1994, to see my sister Lise. My email address is : af159@issc.debs.ndhq.dnd.ca.Email address not valid.

Trepanier, Danny

Talbot, Michel

Traverse, Elaine Diane

Trites, Wendy Elizabeth

- Though I've kept a low profile the last few years I am in awe that Queenie has a web site, so to support it I will add something about myself. After obtaining a diploma in special care counselling and a degree in social work I ended up in Winnipeg. My husband Luis (a social worker also) and I bought Unicorn (our cottage) and enjoyed our life on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. To add to the group Delaney (11), Jesse (9), Brady (7), Sierra (3), came along to keep us very busy.

- We recently moved to Quest House in the country where Luis works at a local child and family office and I maintain a home business (Family Connections) and keep my hands busy with organic gardening. I keep in touch with several QE grads (when did Sue Keays ever live in Sept-Iles after she went away to school?) I hope anyone out there who wishes to touch base with me will contact me at my e-mail address. Thanks for the opportunity to share my info and hopefully connect with someone from years gone by.

- (May 2004) My two sons Jesse 13 and Brady 10 and I enjoyed a spring break trip to Quebec this year. We stayed with Sue Keays and enjoyed her hospitality and of course the ski hills near by. I apparently have not changed as seen by the picture I have enclosed. I won our ski hills annual slush cup though needless to say I was the only over thirty person to risk death by freezing cold water. I have the afterwards picture but you will have to a-mail for that.

Wendy Trites 1976

- We also stayed with Elizabeth Galligan in Ottawa and got the royal tour and a chance to visit with most of her family.

- Presently I am back at school taking an advanced certificate in gerontology and while on leave from my recreation job I work a few days a week as a social worker. I still love to garden and enjoy my country home. My oldest daughter Delaney is 16 and is now driving while my 7 year old Sierra who speaks French is learning to use the language to her advantage. We are all involved in our favorite sport soccer and this is my seventh year coaching.

- Sorry to everyone I didn't contact. I am working on returning your letters. Thanks so much. This is my new e-mail address : unicorn6@granite.mb.ca. Email me :) Presently I am back at school taking an advanced certificate in gerontology and while on leave from my recreation job I work a few days a week as a social worker. I still love to garden and enjoy my country home. My oldest daughter Delaney is 16 and is now driving while my 7 year old Sierra who speaks French is learning to use the language to her advantage. We are all involved in our favorite sport soccer and this is my seventh year coaching.

Troy, Karen Marie

Viel, Suzanne Rita

1975 page
Stuck in a frame?
1978 page

Our thanks go to Lise Babin, and all of you who have collaborated on this page.

Please click here to Submit some information about yourself or someone else. You can also send the information by email to Steve Geronazzo. Thank you for your cooperation.

Last updated : October 26th, 2009.