1977 Graduates
"Grad '77 in Grade 5" is a photo of the graduating class of 1977 taken in 1970/71 when they were in the fifth grade. Although not all these students eventually graduated from QEHS, the core did.
"Grad '77 Prom party" is a picture of Jesse and Louie (Gary Jones and
David Ewing) from the second floor balcony of Les Mouettes Motel
where an all-night post-prom party was held.
Balleine, Terry
Beauchemin, Luc
Bittman, Udo
Bobbitt, Lorraine
- I now live in Milton Ont. - just outside of Toronto. Hi to all the Grads of '77. I have just found out about this site and I am so glad to be able to find out how people are doing. I left Sept-Iles after graduation and went to school in Montreal, became a Child Care Counsellor. I did not work long in the field though, I left Quebec shortly after the first Referendum and was one the those transplanted to Ontario.
- I met a great guy from Ottawa, got married back in Sept-Iles, and lived in Toronto for 7 years, started a family and moved to Stratford for 5 years, and then work brought us back close to Toronto - Milton , where we have been for 9 years. I have a wonderful 14 year old daughter and she brings back alot of memories of times that I have spent with many of you. Unfortunately that great guy from Ottawa and I have recently separated, so like Colleen says age & nostalgia, has brought me here. Overall life has been good and I continue to be amazed. I enclose my email address and hope to hear from my fellow alumni, email me at : lorraineb52@hotmail.com. Email me :)
Byrne, Colleen
- What a great site!:) Blame it on age, but I have been feeling rather nostalgic lately wondering where everyone was, what they were up to - and all that stuff. Haven't been back to Sept-Iles since the reunion in '86. Heard about this site from Janet Roach and had to check it out. A little info about me -- I've been here in Halifax on and off for almost twenty years now - how time flies. After 4 very interesting years at UNB and a BN, I landed here at the Infirmary. Since then it has become the QEII (ironic I think!) HSC and I know work in the ITS dept. There have been some detours over the years including time in Australia and most recently in Germany, but I guess Hfx is home.
- For those curious both my brothers (who really didn't graduate from QE but attended for many years) are doing well. Joe is married to a wonderful lady, has three children and lives in Charlottetown. Pat (ever the bohemian) lives in Stuttgart. What he does is a mystery to us on a good day, but he enjoys it and is well. I know both would love to hear from old friends. Would love to hear from old friends or any info on some of the now "old" class. My email address is : cbyrne@hfx.eastlink.ca. Email me :)
Campbell, Doug
- Hi. I was wondering if you have the list for the 1977 graduating class; that was my graduating year at QEHS. Your web page is an excellent idea! Queenie has a long history that is worth keeping alive! My email address is : dougc@inet2000.com. Email me :)
Cusin, Magali
Daigle, Jean-Marc
Enright, Carolyn
- Carolyn is living in Etobicoke and has been working for American Standards for many years. (She just loves those toilets and bathtubs). She doesn't know that I have submitted this, but hopefully she'll be thrilled. I'm sure she would love to hear from anybody who remembers her. Any of her fellow grads can use my email and I'll get the message to her. (Christine Enright enufcats@sympatico.ca). Email her :)
Ewing, David
- I work in the automative industry. Married to Irena for 12 happy years. Our Pets are our babies - Holly and Target. Hello to all of the 76/77 grads. Hope to come home soon to visit and see everyone. David can be reached at : itsbiglou@yahoo.ca. (Diana A.)
Fenderson, Roy
- In the 12 years following graduation from University, I lived in Baie Comeau, Vancouver, Ottawa, Kuujjuaq (Fort Chimo), back to Vancouver, Victoria, back again to Vancouver then to Whitehorse. My work as a civil engineer during this time was varied, interesting and punctuated by bouts of lengthy travel in distant lands. It was on one of these sojourns that I met my (then to be) Australian wife, Alison. I've met Queenie folks nearly everywhere I've been.
- There was (and still is) a healthy Queenie-clan in Ottawa. Maureen Morin and I shared a house near the Byward Market for a couple years. "Auberge Keays" on Besserer Street was a cross-roads for Sept-Ilian travellers, and the venue of many a memorable party. In latter years, the residence was converted into a live-in, tech-deco museum/studio of sorts. The who's who of Queenie's 70s and 80s have all been seen there at one time or another. I wonder where they all congregate now, since the curator received his "calling to the Vatican".
- I arrived in Kuujjuaq just after the "Glenn Bromley years" -- now firmly entrenched in Inuit folklore.
- A Montreal visit is not the same without a pit stop at Frank Michaelis' place near Prince Arthur. Here is another Queenie travellers' turntable where legions have bedded down for the night (or the month) and annual halloween parties were a pilgrimage event for Montreal's Queenie socialites.
- In BC I've stayed in Michael Lavalle's Port Coquitlam mansion while he pipelined the 4 corners of the country for 6 months of the year. If there was ever a Queenie (and lower North Shore) guest house in the BC lower mainland, it was Mike's place. In Victoria, I lived for a while not far from J.J. (Doug) Campbell's fiance who eventually joined him in the NWT. I once bumped into Ava Garanger while cycling on the Gulf Islands, and a couple times visited Christine McKim living in (and still is, I believe) a log cabin on Gabriola Island. I never lost touch with Mark McKim for long who, at last word, was considering moving off his Vancouver-birthed sailing yacht home.
- One day in a Whitehorse grocery store, an odd but familiar name tag made me realize I was being served by Sue Ann Maurice -- who used to live down the street from us in Sept-Iles. She was married to Francis (Fumps) Rioux and they were about to head up to Inuvik to join Larry Shatler at his successful paint contracting business. In Whitehorse I was employed for a while at NorthwesTel where Johnny Mercier worked and so did Margo Pincome.
- Another time, a chartered flight I was on touched down in Arctic Quebec to refuel. Who walked onto the apron but Jessie (Gary) Jones. I had met him a few years earlier at the cafeteria in Kuujjuarapik (Great Whale River).
- After several good years in Whitehorse, Alison & I moved back to Australia in late 1996. We toured Oz before hunkering down for 3 years in Adelaide where I worked at the General Motors assembly plant as a projects engineer. When our first child was born, we both decided a change of pace was in order, and ended up moving to Tasmania -- a quite and little-known piece of paradise. I now work for Hydro Tasmania as a dam surveillance engineer. We live in a small beach community 15 minutes from Hobart (the State capital) with our pre-schooler son and infant daughter. - I would enjoy hearing from any former (or present) Queenie students and/or teachers. (Last updated 10/03/02). My email address is : fenderson@netspace.net.au. Email me : )
Freddi, Susan *
- It was very touching to come to the QEHS web site & have a bit of news from people I knew but haven’t seen in a long long time, some since 1975, year that I left Sept-Iles for Montreal ! I should have graduated with the class of ’77…..
- Thank-you Colleen for telling me about the site & a thank you to the people who came up with the idea & took the time to prepare it. I haven’t forgotten any of the names of the kids from the class of grade ten in 1975, and the faces are clear in my mind, but I wonder how many I would recognize today if I bumped into any one of you in the street. Our voices have probably changed, perhaps the way we hold ourselves too, and a zillion other things, so how would I know, unless someone mentioned your name out loud.
- When going to school at Concordia I bumped into a few of you, but since then, no news except through Colleen.
- I have been living in Paris since 1985 after spending a year bouncing around from island to island in the Caribbean. I have been enjoying life tremendously in Paris and living rather happily and have no desire to go back to Sept-Iles, but would be very pleased to see or hear from any one from the grade ten class of ’75. Ciao for now!
- P.S. When people ask me where my accent is from, I tell them Sept-Iles. I get a kick of explaining to those that have never heard of it, where it is, and trying to convince those that DO know where it is, that I was born & breed there!
My email address is : s.freddi@facfr.com. Email me :)
Gagnon, Helene
Galligan, Billy
Gilbert, Jimmy
- I am in the Navy and have been for 20yrs now and have reached the dizzy heights of Petty officer 1st Class. drop me a line loved to here how everyone is doing. My email address is : jgilbert@telus.net. Email me :)
Gilroy, Bill*
- April '75 moved to London, Ontario and I'm still here. I graduated from high school, leaving early with a co-op program. Employed at an alarm company for 4 years while attending College. After graduating from Fanshawe I worked a summer at IBM, then a Toronto based computer company. In '85 I was hired by Digital Equipment which was purchased by Compaq, my present employer.
- I was Married in '82 I have 2 kids, 16 year old son and 13 year old daughter. I'm glad they inherited their mothers intelligence. The marks they bring home blow me away. (School must be easier now).
FWiW, I have noticed, and was told, the Year book was messed up in '75 therefore I'm not in it. My email address is : wmgilroy@rogers.com. Email me :)
Goguen, Glenn
- I have been with Greyhound for 19 years. Driving coaches 9 years. I have 2 boys and a baby on the way. I love my job and love living in Coquitlam, BC. My email address is : goguen1154@home.com. Email me :)
Goguen, Mike
- Hi....What have I been up to. I left Sept-Iles 1977 with my brother Glenn to study at Champlain College in Lennoxville. I wanted to be an electrical engineer like my dad, so I started in pure & applied sciences. I did two semesters and stopped for a year. I went out west to Alberta for a year (Oil research mostly) 1978-1979. I worked near Rocky Mountain House, Red Earth, Pink Mountain, and a few other places. I had a little time to visit the Banff Hot Springs, and go alpine skiing in the Rockies. I went back to CEGEP another semester. It was harder to study after having taken a break, and my social life stunk. I went back out west. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I took a trip to California around the southern states and back east to Sept-Iles summer 1982 (there are a few pictures of that on my web page). Took a computer course at CEGEP de Sept-Iles. That is when I met my wife Brigitte (A beautiful Quebecer from Sept-Iles). I finally finished my Pure and Applied Science in spring 1984 in Sept-Iles.
- Left with my fiancée for Bishop's University. Brigitte and I made it through the first year alive. Getting to know each other was a challenge. That was a hard year for us! We loved that so much we decided to get married in 1985. I got my BSC major in computer science in the fall of 1987. A year later Brigitte was pregnant with our first daughter (Shirley-Anne). She was born in October 1989 and our second (Vicky-Emilie) was born in March 1993. I worked at IBM, Nexia, Kidney Foundation of Canada, Orlikon Aerospace, Bell Sygma, Hydro Quebec, ING Canada and now I am a project manager at CGI Telecom (Bell Canada is our client). My URL is : http://www.geocities.com/michael_geocities. My email address is : Michael_Goguen@cgi.ca. Email me :)
Griffin, Arlene
Grondin, Gary
Guerra, Paola
Hogan, Kathy
Jones, Gary
Keays, Bill*
- After QEHS I went to Champlain College in Lennoxville for, uh, a highly
formative two to three years and then moved to Ottawa following a one
year stint in Edmonton. I spent the subsequent 15 years firmly engaged
in a dubious medley of hedonistic enterprises and activities while at
the same time working at the University of Ottawa Computer Center.
Fortunately I managed to scrounge up a B.Sc and a B.F.A. from
U of O before the dust settled and somehow stumbled my way into the Media
Lab at MIT where I completed a M.Sc. in Media Arts and Sciences creating
interactive computer artworks and installations. In early 2000 my wife,
Sara who is from Ottawa and of Icelandic descent, and I and our cat
George, who is a fat grey tabby of unknown origin, all moved to southern
Switzerland where we live near a town called Paradiso. I work for the
Fantastic Corporation dreaming up killer apps for broadband multimedia and the URL is : http://www.fantastic.com.
My Email address for life is : keays@alum.mit.edu.
keays@alum.mit.edu. Email me :)
Kelly, Jerry
- Hi there, I'm living in Ottawa and I've been married to my lovely wife Patricia Batley for 18 Years. We have 3 children, Angela 17, Shawn 14, and Kris will be 13 on March 15. I am working for CN Rail as locomotive Engineer out of the Brockville Ont. terminal. I still keep in touch with a few of the guys, and it would be nice to hear from others, so why not drop us a line. My email address is : jerome.kelly@sympatico.ca. Email me :)
Lane, Patty *
- Hi All!
- It's is such a hoot to see what everyone is up to. My family kept moving when we left Sept-Isles. Toronto, Minneapolis, Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis and finally Denver. My mom said I married a dentist so I wouldn't have to move anymore. My first marriage lasted 12 years, and after a couple of years I was lucky to get married to a really good friend, who I had known for as long as I'd known my first husband as they went to Dental school together. Wierd huh? So far, we've been married 7 years and everything's good. I have two sons 15, and 11. I work as a loan officer for a national bank, not very exciting but fun to talk with people from all over the country. Please drop me an e-mail, I'd love to catch up with friends.
My email address is : plfisher@earthlink.net. Hope to hear from you soon.
Lauzier, Julie
- We have just relocated to Adelaide Australia. We had passed the last 12 years in Medicine Hat, Alberta. We are here on an exchange. I married Denis Bergeron, a local from Sept-Iles. We have 2 sons 10 and 7 and keep us so buzy. My email for the next 2 years will be pelochon@bigpond.com. Hope to hear from you soon.
Lavallee, Roger
Leblanc, Charlie
- After leaving QEHS, I worked at IOC for five years as a computer operator. In 1983, I moved to Ottawa to join the RCMP as a civilan member. I now work as a programmer/manager responsible for their human resources system. I am married to Johanne Dallaire (also from Sept-Iles) and we have two sons (Shawn 11, and Luc 8). We travel to 7-Iles every two years as my sister and in-laws live there (also to stock up on the fresh seafood). I think this page is a fantastic way to find long lost friends and to discover where they are and how they are doing. Feel free to contact me if you wish. My email address is : jceleblanc@hotmail.com.
Lynd, David
- I am a welder\fitter & have worked as such for General Motors Electromotive Div. in London for 12yrs. My email address is : dave.lynd@sympatico.ca. Email me :)
Marsen, Marc
Martineau, Jeannine*
- I did not graduate from QEHS as my dad got transfered to Chatham. But I would have graduated in 1977.
McGee, Barb
Home is now Bridgenorth, Ontario just a few minutes north of Peterborough. One husband, (Barry) one daughter, (Hayley) one very old, messy cat, (Max) two home-based businesses (www.theepicentre.com) and (www.nexicom.net/~mortin). Good to read about everyone! My email address is : bmcgee@nexicom.net. Email me :)
McLean, Judy
Mercier, Johnny
Morin, Mark
Morin, Richard
Morris, Marc
Ogilvie, Tonie
- I am so impressed that this exists!!! And that picture of Gary...wow!
- Okay, where did I go and what did I do? I left Sept-Iles in 79 after giving birth to my daughter Michelle and moved with my husband Kevin to Mississauga, Ontario. I had a second daughter in 84, Tara Leigh. While married, I worked for various companies and did alot of bartending on the side.
- I left my marriage in 91 and went back to Ryerson Univeristy in 93 and obtained my degree in Social Work..surprise surprise! After bartending for years I figured I had a talent for listening to people's problems!
- I worked as a domestic violence counsellor for gays and lesbians after graduating, then as an HIV/AIDS support worker and now I work for the Federal gov't as a program consultant for ACAP (AIDS Community Action Program).
- My kids are 16 and 21 now and live on their own in the kool part of Toronto...Queen and Bathurst while I prefer the more stable part of Toronto...Spadina and Bloor!
- Not much more to say except I will be emailing people...Donna expect my email shortly...and Danny you did a good job here!
- So whatever happened to Gary Jones????? My email address is : tonie_ogilvie@yahoo.ca. Email me :)
Plante, Christine
Poirier, Sonya
Ripley, Susan
Rowsell, Cora
Sampson, Betty
Schobesberger, Sylvia
Schuh, Marc
Spingle, Merv
Talbot, Dianne
Trepanier, Danny
Viel, Denis
Walker, Donna
- I am working for Correction Services of Canada and have been for the last 11 years, I am a programme agent and work with with a group of inmates in a intensive security wing. I enjoy my work, but I must always be upgrading my education in Psy and social studies. I have four children, 3 girls and one boy. I am twice a grandmother. In my spare time, when I have some, I do oil paints, and will be exposing some of my works this fall, I swim and watch lots of Star Treck. So far life is great and I have yet alot of objectives to accomplish. I am happy that this web site has been open as it gives me the chance to see how my fellow class mates have made out. Take care and don't be shy to write me through my son's web site at doobied20@hotmail.com. (Danny Bergeron...son)
Zocastello, Walter
Our thanks go to Lise Babin, and all of you who have collaborated on this page.
Please click here to
Submit some information about yourself or someone else. You can also send the information by email to Steve Geronazzo. Thank you for your cooperation.
Last updated : October 26th, 2009.