1985 page
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1987 page

1986 Graduates

Picture taken in Toronto during the 1983 student exchange. (Part of the class of '86)

Toronto Exchange 1983
First row : Mitchell Lacarte, Lucia Cucchiara,
Second row : Miss Sauve, Nancy Gagnon, Nathalie Ross, Sonia Landreville, Marc Parent, Joyce Senechal
Third row : Gina Posocco, Nilda Bond, Roby Vaillancourt, Paola Beacco
Fourth row : Gilles Theriault, Elizabeth Gareffa
Fifth row : Scott Symes, Steve Geronazzo, Miss Feger
Sixth row : Mark Rowsell, Robert Depani, Karen Crook, Nathalie Maltais, David Goguen

Picture taken at a party in 1985 or 1986.

Grad '86 Party
picture sent in by Pierre Genest.

First row : Nathalie Marceau, Pierre Genest, Joseph Barbora, Nancy Mcray?
Second row : Ricardo Maliba, Roby Vaillancourt, Nunziato Gareffa, Francois Ludanyi
Third row : Steve Geronazzo, Sandra Dykhuis, Robert Depani

Anderson, Annie-May

- Annie May is living in Old Fort Bay (A small town on the Lower North Shore"The Coast"). She has 2 children, a girl(13) and a boy(8), and lives with her boyfriend, Hughie Fequet. I'm sure she would love to hear from some old friends. (Monica Anderson) Her email address is : mity@globetrotter.net . Email her :)

Anderson, Monica

- The subjects that I took at "Queen E" were probably the same as what is still offered there today. I now work at the local school as an Attendant For Handicapped Children. It is a challenging and fun job to have. I would love to hear from some of my old classmates. So if any of you are out there write me and let me know what you are up to.

- (May 13th, 2002) I'm still working at the school in Harrington Harbour helping a disabled child. I find the work fun, interesting and challenging.

- (May 15th 2004) I am still working at the school and living in Harrington Harbour. For those who remember my son Warren... He is now 19 years old and working in Ottawa. My second son is now 10 years old. I'm doing well. I would love to hear from some of fellow graduates (year 1986).

Barbora (Bruno), Joseph

- I Graduated with a technical degree in Aeronautics in 1991. Obtained a BBA at Bishop's University in 1995. Have been worhing for the Iron Ore Company of Canda since 1996. I have been using Barbora ( my mothers family name ) for approximately 4 yrs . So, don't forget that the Joseph Bruno that graduated in 1986 is now Joseph Barbora. Joseph Bruno = Joseph Barbora . My E-mail address is : barboraj@ironore.ca. Email me :).

Beacco, Paola

Bobbitt, Colleen

Bond, Nilda

- Married, with three beautiful children, and still living in 7-Iles. (Danielle Couffon)

Boucher, Kerry

Brown, Jennifer

Buckle, James

- Bruno saw James a few weeks ago. He's a chartered accountant and works in Saint Paul's River.

Buckle, Nadine

Burns, Russell

Caron, Nancy

- Hi! I've been living here in Southern Labrador for the last 15yrs. I'm married and a son who is 11. A friend found me in another alumni site and told me that QEHS had there own, I knew then I had to check it out. Its awesome!! I see alot of people that I went to school with. Anyone who wishes to email plz do so. I'd be more than happy to hear from u guys/gals. :) My email address is : nancy_caron67@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Collier, Leatrice

-Currently living in Mutton Bay,Qc with my husband and my son.

Cucchiara, Lucia

- I now work at Queen Elizabeth High School as a teacher's aide and I now have two children, a girl and a boy. My email address is : lcucchiara@hotmail.com. Email me :)

DeCiccio, John

Delarosbil, Steve

- Hello Everybody! I'm still here in beautiful 7-Iles. I'm currently the senior sales rep for a wholesale electrical company called Lumen. I have a charming young daughter who just turned 8. I would love to here from anyone. My e-mail address is : delaro21@hotmail.com. Email me :).

Depani, Robert (Dino)

- I graduated as an engineer from McGill University in 92. I am currently a project manager with KPMG consulting in Montreal. My email address is : rdepani@kpmg.ca Email me :).

- My brother (Seb, class of 85) and I are organizing a pick up soccer leaque in Montreal. Send me an E-mail if you are interested in playing.

Di Piazza, Bruno

- Hello everyone,
- I am presently working for Développement économique Canada (Canada Economic Development / www.dec-ced.gc.ca) in Montreal. I transferred from the office located in Sept-Îles at the beginning of last year (April 2000). I work as an Advisor for the Northern Quebec Region, that is, for the James Bay and Nunavik territories. Needless to say, that it's a challenging and a whole new world over there!
- After I graduated from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in Accounting and Finance I returned to Sept-Îles to work as a Socio-Economic Development Agent at the local Société d'aide au développement des collectivités (SADC). I was basically repsonsible to help develop and diversify the economic activity of the Lower North Shore through a special development Fund. That job led me to work for the Federal Public Sector where I have been working since. Do not hesitate to e-mail me at : bruno.dipiazza@dec-ced.gc.ca. Email me :)

Driscoll, Curtis

- I graduated from McGill University in Civil Engineering in 1992. Worked for Hydro Quebec at Project Lake Robertson for 26 months after graduation. Presently working for BPR Groupe Conseil at St.Augustine. My email address is : curtisd@quebectel.com. Email me :)

Drudge, Lillian

- Lillian Drudge lives in Old Fort Bay with her boyfriend and two children.

Durepos, Lindsey

Dykhuis, Sandra

- Hello fellow ex-classmates! After Sept-Iles, I went to McGill for one undergraduate year and then finally got accepted into medical school at Sherbrooke. Four years later I transferred back to McGill to finish my residency and fellowship. I've been married since 1993. No kids yet but hoping for some soon now that we are settled.
- We live in Connecticut somewhere between New York City, Boston, and the Atlantic coast. I own a private medical office and practice as a family doctor. The hospital where I admit patients is a lot like the one in Sept-Iles and people here are very friendly. I am thrilled that someone took the time to prepare this web site and hope to hear from my old QEHS buddies.
- 2002 Update: I have not had a chance to peruse the site in the last 18 months from being too busy procreating. Yeah! Annemarie is now 16 months old and if all goes as planned, she will have sibling in 2003. Work is about the same. I now have a great business partner and we are making plans to expand the practice. I think we'll be in the States for a while longer, despite Bush...
- Someone told me that I am planning a reunion - not true. I wish I could pull off something like that, but my geographic location just makes it too hard to do this. I think someone more centrally located would be in a better position for planning, especially if there is a hall to rent, catering, etc. I would be interested in helping out if anyone wants to take the initiative to start this project. It would be fab to see y'all! Bye for now! Sandra
- (update : 18-11-2005) Well, it's about time I update my bio. I moved back to Quebec in 2004 and now live in Beaconsfield. I tried a job in a semi-private clinic but hated it, and now I'm in a smaller clinic, building up a practice of old and sick individuals. My other job is at the CLSC, where I'm happy to do some home visits for people that are too sick to leave home. It is really rewarding, no kidding. Still only one child. Didn't have any luck with a second one so far but that's OK. Same husband since 1993 - so I'm not doing too bad. Write to me at : sandra.dykhuis@videotron.ca. Bye!

Fequet, Savana

-Savana Fequet lives in Old Fort Bay with her boyfriend and two daughters.

Fillion, Lise

Gagnon, Nancy

- Nancy is a computer analyste now working for one of the biggest companies in Sept-Iles, I.O.C. She's still without kids and happy about it...I can understand too!!! (N.S.)
- Nancy just got married on September 1, 2001 in a beautiful ceremony held at Christ the King church. QEHS grads in attendance included her brother Carl, Bruce Dufour, Sandra D'Orio, Nadia Scremin, and Nathalie Ross. (N.R.)

Gardner, Pamela

- I am living in 7-Iles. Have two children a girl 9 years old and a boy who is 4 years old. Working at Carrefour Bureautique Cote-Nord. Would like to have news from some people that I went too school with. You can write to me at pamela@cgocable.ca.

Garreffa, Elizabeth

- Elizabeth has 2 beautiful kids (Erica and Kevin) with her husband René. She works as a nurse in Baie Comeau and comes to visit her family in Sept-Iles a few times a year. (N.R.)

Garreffa, Elizabeth l.

Garreffa, Nunziato

- Hello everyone. After graduating from Mcgill in physical education I returned to Sept-Iles and began looking for work. In 1995 I got a job as gym teacher at QEHS and worked until June 2000. I decided to change careers in order to improve my quality of life. I am still in a field related to physical education since it is a necessity for my well being. I am developing an outdoor activities and ecotourism market for a salmon fishing outfitter located 28 miles north of Sept-Iles on the Moisie River. If you love nature and wish to visit let me know I will be happy to share this beautiful environment with you. My Email is Nunziato@hotmail.com. Other than that I've been with my girl friend Annie, for five years and everything is cool. Well, I gotta go and take care.

German, Diane

- I moved to Montreal in 1996 from Nova Scotia and presently working for a customs broker firm in the Imports dept. I do the custom clearence for Nortel Networks.
- I moved to Nova Scotia after graduating. I went to college in 1995 as a secretarial course graduate. I have visited Sept-Iles last year and was amazed of how this beatiful town had changed over the years ! My email address is : auburn27@hotmail.com :o)

Geronazzo, Steve

- After graduating from QEHS, I studied Pure and Applied Science at the Cegep de Sept-Iles. I then was accepted in the Computer Science Department at Concordia University. I completed one year but realized that it wasn't what I wanted to do so I then transferred into Athletic Therapy.

- I did my internship in 1994 at Action Sport Physio (in Montreal) and continued to work there once I completed my degree. I worked in the clinic but also took care of different sports teams. I also became specialized in the field of isokinetic strengthening and evaluation on a machine called CYBEX "Norm".

- Over the years, I performed evaluations on many athletes ranging from amateur to olympic caliber athletes. I had the chance to work with athletes from the Montreal Alouettes, gymnasts (like Emily Fournier, Julie Beaulieu, and Alexander Jeltkov who were at the 2000 Olympics), and best of all athletes/artists from around the world who joined the Cirque du Soleil.

- In 1997, I became manager at Action Sport Physio. I was in charge of "running" the clinic but continued doing CYBEX evaluations. At about that time, I became a CYBEX consultant travelling in Eastern Canada giving inservices to hospitals and private clinics who recently had purchased a CYBEX "Norm" machine.

- In July 2000, I left Action Sport Physio after 6 years of service and moved back to Sept-Iles. In October 2000, I accepted a job in Quebec City where I was in charge of the Cybex Department.

- In September 2002, the clinic I worked for in Quebec city went bankrupt. A few weeks later I was able to get some of the old employees to form a COOP and try to go into business for ourselves. After seven months of hard work, I am happy to say that our clinic is now open for business. I am General Manager of the clinic and will continue doing Cybex evaluations. The clinic's name is "Centre de réadaptation physique de Québec."

- In May 2008, I was given a two year contract at the Provincial government (Direction de la santé publique). I was in charge of the fall prevention program for the elderly population.

- In August 2010, my contract was transfered to the FADOQ-RQCA. I've been there since and am coordinator for three different programs... VIACTIVE, P.I.E.D and Aîné-Avisé.

- Update May 2012 : Still at the FADOQ-RQCA and am in charge of the same three programs.

- My email address is : steve911@videotron.ca. Email me :)

Goguen, David

- David lives in Montreal and has two children.

Hachey, Erick*

- Erick lives in Ottawa and his email address is : hacheye@yahoo.com. Email him :)

Griffin, Solange*

- Most people would remember me as Sally. I would have graduated from Queenie in '86, but moved to Lennoxville and graduated from Alexander Galt. I then went to Champlain for four years and got a degree in Fine arts. I met my husband at Champlain. We have been married for fourteen years (July 18, 1992) and have two boys. I am working as a security officer at Bishop's university and loving it. My email address is : gritail@sympatico.ca . Email me :)

Halbot, Brian

- Brian Halbot now has an email address! You can reach him at My email address is : barrie_bunch@msn.com, he might respond if his children ever let him use the computer!!!!! (Robert Wade Halbot Grad '84)

Hartt, Jocelyne

- I graduated from Concordia University in 1991 in the applied social science programme. I returned to Port-Cartier to work as a social worker with youth having drug problems. I was then hired on by Mesures de Rechange Jeunesse in 1992 to work with youths who had been caught committing crimes under the youth offenders act. I worked there for seven years as a social worker and "directrice par intérim" for the last 6 months. My husband was offered a job for a new company that was opening in Asbestos (Magnola). Well, I quit my comfortable job and am as of September 1999 looking for a job... I am married and have a daughter who is two years old named Amy. I would like to hear from you all, please drop me a line. My email address : harttbriand@globetrotter.net. Email me :)

Jones, Peggy

King, Sandra

- I am a medical laboratory technologist and I work at the Jewish General Hospital and at St.Mary's Hospital in Montreal. I am not married or have any kids yet but I am living with my boyfriend. I would love to hear from old friends so please feel free to E-mail me at : sandraking@hotmail.com.

Lacarte, Mitchel

- Mitch remarried last year to Linda Sonier. They live in Port-Cartier. Mitch has 2 kids from his first marriage. (André Giroux)

Laforest, Pierre

- Pierre was working in Sept-Iles for Quebec Telephone.

Lavallée, Danny

- Hi everybody. I'm alive and well living in Brampton, Ontario. Still working at the E-Commerce division of Bell Canada as the Senior Telecom Analyst. Would love to hear from everybody. My address is dan.lavallee@emergis.com. Email me :)



Leblanc, Paul

Lessard, Jody

Lessard, Pierre

Letemplier, Jason

Ludanyi, Francois

- Hi everyone! I work at MDS Pharma Services in Ville St.Laurent. My email address is : fludanyi@netscape.net. Email me :)

Maliba, Ricardo

- I came back from the North last June (my contract was not renewed-they found a real teacher). I just started my Ph.D. at l'Université de Montréal in physiology. I'll investigating the effect of diabetes on the cardiovascular system. Oh yeah, Annie and I got married on May 12th (civil wedding).... My email address is : ricardo_maliba@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Maltais, Natalie

- Natalie now lives and works in Montreal since this summer. She still teaches and loves it.

Marshall, Dale

- I've been living in Vancouver for just over 5 years now. My partner Yvette and I got married in the summer of 2000. Nope, no kids yet. Our cooperative housing unit is in the Commercial Drive area of east Vancouver. Think St. Laurent in Montreal, except with an eclectic mix of punks, lesbians, and old Italian men. Somehow it works.
- Yvette and I both work for non-profit organizations. I do environmental research with an organization called the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Yvette organizes youth exchanges with Canada World Youth (Jeunesse Canada Monde). If you're ever on the left coast, give us a buzz.

Martin, Hazen

Maurice, Sonya

Maurice, Verna

McKinnon, Brent

- Hi there folks... drop me a line would love to here from old friends... now working for Insight in Sheffield England. My email address is : mckinnonbrent@hotmail.com. Email me :)

McKinnon, Leona

Miller, Mike

- Hey Folks. After graduation I stayed and worked in Port-Cartier for a few years until moving to Ottawa in 1989. I am currently with Compaq Canada and living in Hull, Quebec. It would be great to hear from my Queenie buds.

Morissette, Jackie

O'Brien, Sylvane

- Hello everyone!! It's great to have this site and catch up on old classmates (not that we are old). I am a co-owner of a business (fast food) which we started 6 years ago in Lourdes de Blanc Sablon. I also work with a Youth group, which the kids are great. I don't have any kids yet and I am not married. (Still looking..haha) In August I will be going to Rome ,Italy with some of our youth to participate in World Youth Day 2000.....Would be great to hear from any classmates. My email address is : sylvob@globetrotter.net. Email me :)

Parent, Marc

- Like mentionned previously I'm married and father of 2 (Pierre-Olivier 2 and Marie-Élaine 1). I got married to Sonia Lebel from Rimouski in the summer of 97. I'm still in the Armed Forces (12th year) and my wife works as a Radiology technicien at the Rimouski Hospital. We should be moving from Rimouski this summer because I should be transferred and we don't know where yet. Please don't hesitate to write on my e-mail. My email address is : marc.parent@videotron.ca. Email me :)

Plamondon, Donald

Posocco, Gina

- Gosh, where to begin. I guess a warm hello would be in order. Needless to say I nearly had a coronary when my sister Mary just recently told me about this site! Anyhow, after graduation, I moved to Montreal in short, I took a secretarial course and worked for a rheumatologist for several years. I married in 1990, lived in Montreal several more years. We now have 2 beautiful sons, age 8 and 4. We moved to Ontario several years ago, as my husband feels we must broaden our horizons. Where to next I always ask..lol. To all those who were dear to me, drop me a line. I would love to know what 14 years of your life has been like. Bye for now..:) My email address is : gi2boys_1992@yahoo.com. Email me :)

Power, Marlene

- I graduated from St.Thomas University Fredericton New Brunswick in 1994 with a B.A. major in french literature and language and in 1996 with a Bachelor of Education. In August 1994 I married Robert LeShane and we have a 2 year old son named Zachary. We live in Northern Bay Newfoundland where my husband works as a crab/shrimp fisherman and I work as a french teacher at a high school in Trinity Bay about 30min from where we live.
- I haven't been back to Sept-Iles since my sister Claudette was killed in a tragic car crash in October 1996. ( Claudette was apart of the 1983 graduating class but dropped out when she had her son Shannon). I would love to hear from all my old classmates and anyone who I played sports with.
- Hi, Just to give you a little update on my life. I still only have the one child Zachary who is 3 years old. I teaching this year full-time at North Shore Collegiate and still teaching french as a second language and social studies. I would love to hear from old classmates. Feel free to drop me a line anytime. My e-mail address: mleshane@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Pringle, Leslie

- Well, it's nice to see this site for starters. After high school I worked for Canadian Tire till Feb 87 at which time I joined the military and I am still in. I work for a transport company 1 svc bn right now, and have just returned from Kosovo on a 7 month tour, also did 6 months in Bosnia in 97-98. I have a wife and a 3yr old boy. My email address : l.m.pringle@home.com. Email me :)

Ransom, Darrell

- Darrell is now living In Harrington, he has three boys, and is engaged to be married but don't know when. He is also a crab fisherman.

Richard, Carole

Rioux, Lise

- Lise lives in Quebec City and works for the naval reserves. She is married and has two beautiful children.

Rioux, Shirley

- Shirley is in Port-Cartier working for Provigo. She is single and lives with her son Jacob.

Roberts, John

Roberts, Sherrie

- Sherrie studied in Lennoxville, but now lives in Sept-Iles with her husband Glenn and their beautiful daughter Amanda. She is expecting their second child in February. She works for "Centre de langues internationales Charpentier", a private school. (N.R. '86)

Rogers, Heather

-Heather Rogers lives in Kegaska with her husband and two sons.

Ross, Nathalie

- Nathalie became a school teacher, and presently teaches at the Cégep de Sept-Iles (S.G.). As was written before, I am teaching at the Cégep de Sept-Iles, where I've been since 1994. I teach English- big surprise!-both mother tongue and/or as a second language. I previously worked for the provincial government for about a year and for a privately-owned language school on-and-off for about 5 years. I graduated from Bishop's University in 1992. I have no kids, no husband, and my boyfriend Bill died in a car crash in 1995. I see Nancy and Nadia regularly and keep in touch with Marlene. I would love to hear from old classmates. My E-mail address is : natross@hotmail.com. E-mail me anytime. ;)

Scott, Frank

- I got a B.Sc. in agriculture (Food Science & Agric. Chem.) in 1991 and then travelled through North Africa for a while. Worked as analyst for Central Soya 3 yrs. Got wise and now co-owner of a couple of small businesses in computer industry. Not married (came close). No kids yet. My email address is : fscott4u@yahoo.com. Email me :)

Scremin, Nadia

- Still in Sept-Iles. My sons, Steven & Brandon, are now 12 and 7. I'm always living with the same young man I met 17 years ago, father of my two children. I am working as an information agent in the construction industry for almost 5 years now. I just renewed with a sport which I left aside for many years; downhill skiing. What a thrill! This must recall cheerful moments to certain of you :o) I'm delighted to transmit the passion of the sport to my family. My email address is : nadia.scremin@cgocable.ca. Email me :)

Senechal, Joyce

- Joyce went to McGill University (McDonald Campus) in Dietetics. She now lives in Sept-Iles but I am not sure what she is doing for a living.

Shattler, Todd

- Todd has been living in Inuvik since 1987 where he met Deanna and had their only son, Lee now 11 years old. They run and own a business since 1998 and has expanded from painting now trucking and expiditing for several oil and gas companies such as Chevron Texaco, Encana, ESS, and other's from the community. His email address is : sirsr2@yahoo.ca .

Stewart, Claudell *

- Claudell is married and has 2 young children. She lives in Blainville, Quebec and works at the Canadian Salt Company in Point-Claire. She left Sept-Iles in 1985 and ended up in Laval, Quebec. She studied at John Abbott College and Concordia. Her email address is : clo_stewart@hotmail.com.

Symes, Scott

- Scott lives in Lennoxville, is married and is the father of 2? children. He works as an automotive mechanic.

Theriault, Gilles

Thibeault, Regis

Urquhart, Robert

- Robert went to piloting school in Moncton and got his commercial pilot's license. He is now married, living in Boisbriand, and is a pilot with Canadian Airlines. He and his wife recently had a baby girl called Savannah. His email address is : rbu@videotron.ca. Email him :)

Vaillancourt, Roby

- Roby became an engineer, lives in Montreal and recently had a child.

Wood, Tammy

- I am married to a wonderful man named Joesph Aubin. We live in New Brunswick. We have two kids by the name of April and Allen.

- I still live in New Brunswick and still married I still would like to hear from anyone I promise I well e-mail you back now that I know a little about computers. My new email address is : aubin38roadrunner@yahoo.ca. Email me :)

- I would like to hear from anyone who graduated in 1986.

Woodland, Lisa

- Lindsey Drupes and I are currently living in Calgary Alberta. We are both office staff with the same construction company. Take care Lisa and Lindsey.

1985 page
Stuck in a frame?
1987 page

Our thanks go to Lise Babin, and all of you who have collaborated on this page.

You can send your bio by email to Steve Geronazzo. Thank you for your cooperation.

Last updated : March 20th, 2012.