1980 Graduates
Auray, Caroline
- Hello everyone,
I just heard about this web site through my sister in law who tought at Queenie (that's how I met my hubby) and it's great to hear from you guys. I have been in Ontario for the last 5 years. I am a teacher (behaviour classroom) and I love it. I married to a wonderful man in the Air Force (Hercules) and I have 2 wonderful children Jerome 13 and Sarah 4. Life is wonderful and I hope to see some of you guys soon. My email address is : gwoods@lks.net. Email me :)
Auray, Daniel
- Hi guys! I am still living in Edmonton. I have been teaching at the same school for the last 15 years. My son is now 8 years old and love hockey. I have been married for 12 years. My new e-mail address is dauray@gsacrd.ab.ca. If you are in the area please give me a call. I am the only Auray in Edmonton.
Balleine, Sylvia Maud
- Sylvia works as a registered nurse at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal in the delivery ward. She is married with a 9 year old son named Matthew.
Bambrick, Peter Edward
- Peter lives in Edmonton, married Laura and has 2 kids. Retired from military career as a medic.
Beauchemin, Linda
- Hi, I'm living in Shilo, Manitoba with my husband and our four wonderful children; Kevin (14), Dave (13), Cathy (11) and Eric (9). If the first three don't get me, the last one surely will. Four teens in the house at the same time, what was I thinking? To keep sane I work at the Shilo Military Family Resource Centre. Her email address is : linda_beauchemin@hotmail.com . I'd love to hear from you.
Beauchemin, Sylvie
- Hi ! After starring in the movie "Miss Piggy Gives
It Up", I decided to pursue another career in real
estate. I'm now living in Quebec City where I'm
planning my retirement. I have 2 children, Chantal
(15) and Michel (14) and one big stupid dog ! I
would love to hear from people that I knew. My email address is : birdy@clic.net. Email me :)
Bélanger, Marie Christine
Bennett, Laurence Newton
- I've been with my wife Mariella for 15 yrs now and have a 17 yr old stepson, Roger and a 9 yr old son Jason. I graduated in '80 but should have in '79, failing Grade 9 was the dumbest thing I've ever done.
- I' m the senior supervisor at Mac Closures [formerly LUKIAN PLASTICS] in Oakville, Ont., and have been with the company for the last 19 years, chances are we've made the caps on all your bottles, toothpaste, creams, and spices.
- Tom Brennan is head of Scheduling/Purchasing at the same company.
- Up until my parents passed away, I was home [alone and with family] every year for at least a week and part of the fun was trying to round up as many people as possible to get a mini reunion going, some years were good and some we are still not allowed to talk about!
- Judging from this site, there are a lot of you looking to get together somewhere and compare notes so why doesn't the Ontario chapter meet somewhere and have a blast [remember the reunion].
- I'd invite everyone over to our place but I would probably lock the doors and not let anyone leave because just think about it, it was a really happy time in our lives and every one needs to let loose once in a while so if anyone out there is interested in starting a reunion committee let's jump on this! (I've been thinking of this for years but I can't do this alone.)
- To the guys that started this site..... "WELL DONE". You've given people back something that they thought was lost forever..... their youth!
- One question I need answered, does anyone know what happened to the mirrored ball the school had?
- Drop a line anytime but remember that I'm not really good with computers so no fancy computer talk etc... My email address is : larry.bennet@sympatico.ca. Email me :)
Bernardo, Roger
- Roger has returned to Sept-Iles and is living there with his wife. He is working at the Iron Ore Company of Canada as a locomative technician. He's IOC's best Portuguese locomotive technician!!!
Bérubé, Noreen Ann
Bizeau, Joey *
- My email address is : joey7iles@hotmail.com. Email me :)
Blomdahl, Kristian Tamara
- Now married 10 years and living in Kitchener with Bob and our son Cameron 8 and daughter Korey 5. I work as an auditor and have been busy with sports, camping and having fun. Great discovering this web site, hope more people discover it.
Bouma, Pierre Hubert
Breton, Alain
Brotherton, Johanne
Buckle, Katherine Joanne
Burns, Danny
Bursey, Hal
- Hal lives in Port Aux Basques Nfld and his email address is : hbursey@marine-atlantic.ca. Email him :)
Chenier, Cathy
Cribb, Lana T.
- Happy living and working in Toronto since 1982.
Demelo, José Manuel
Desgagné, Marie Thérèse Christine
DiDomenicantonio, Gino
Gamester, Paula (now Vanden Heuvel)*
- I would have been in the class of 1980 in Queenie, had I stayed there. We left in the late 70's to Ontario.( not my choice)
- I live in Kitchener, Ontario and I am a hearing aid technician for a Company called Unitron. I am married and have two children My son Jesse and daughter Chloe.
I have enjoyed getting messages from my former friends at QEHS, keep them coming!
take care bye, bye for now. I wanted to update my file as I have a new e-mail address at home. My email address is : rpvandenheuvel@sympatico.ca. Email me :)
Gamester, Peggy (Now Morris)*
- We moved to PEI last December, when I took a transfer with my company. I don't think I updated our new email address with you. All the best Peggy and Reid Morris.
Our email address is : prmorris@pei.sympatico.ca. Email us :)
Gélinas, Marie Jeannette Julie
- I am now living in Howell, New Jersey with my husband and two daughters (13 and 12 years old). My email address is : zstoj@optonline.net. Email me :)
Genest, Robert Wolfgang Amadeus
- Hello everybody,
- What a great idea this web site! I heard about it from Christine McKim (yep, we're still good friends to this day) .
- About myself, after studying biology and working for next to no money in hunting camps for 5 years, I went back to school and became a nurse. I then joined a humanitarian medical organization called Medecins Sans Frontieres and I have been working abroad in many different countries for the past 6 years. I am now in Montreal between contracts, with absolutely no idea what I want to do next. But that's OK as it makes life more interesting. Married 5 years but no kids yet; my wife travels with me to most places where I work. Hoping to hear from some of you... My email address is : robertgenest62@yahoo.com. Email me :)
Geronazzo, Nancy
- Bravo Steve et Jason!!!! This is a great idea!! I am very proud of my baby brother!!
I have 2 beautiful children, Demetre (4.5) and Mikaella (22 months). I graduated from McGill in Dietetics and am now working as a dietitian and nutrition consultant and lovin it! My email address is : geronazzon@hotmail.com. Email me :)
Gilbert, Sandra-Jean
- I currently live in the land of NO snow (British Columbia). I had enough of the white stuff growing up. If you remember me email me at e.sgilbert@shaw.ca. I would love to hear from my fellow graduates. Email me :)
Halbot, Wanda Ruth
- Living in Sept-Iles with studies in secretarial. I am a single mom of three beautiful children. Matthew will be 11 in November and twin girls Ashley and Alison who turned 7 in April. Would love to hear from any old classmates. Can be contacted at : wahalbot@si.cgocable.ca. Email me :)
Harms, Elizabeth (now Kushnik)
- I moved to Toronto in 84 after graduating from Mt.Allison University in N.B. I was working in Human Resources at Kraft (yes, the one that makes the dinner) for the past 8 years and I'm now pursing a career in nursing. Going on 15 years of marriage to a wonderful husband with two beautiful children, Rachel (7) and Lance (3). After moving all over Ontario we've now settled down in a country house with a fantastic view of Lake Ontario...what more could you ask for!
Hobbs, Terry
Hogan, Lloyd Robert Brent*
- (deceased)
- Hello well as you all know Brent Hogan died of cancer a long time ago. You may all be wondering if he is dead who is writing this letter? Well to answer your question it's his niece. Hello my name is Marie-Claude Hogan. I'm writting this letter to ask you people to write to me to tell me more about my uncle! He died a long time ago when I was little and never had time to know him very much... to tell you the truth I think that that man had one good look at me before he died and he never spoke to me before at all! I'm 13 years old and I go to queenie. I speak both French and English but my mother tongue is French. I will go to French school next year so anybody who was in my uncle's class please write to me, this is my only chance to know who my uncle was. My e-mail address is : mary_kewl31@hotmail.com. Thank-you very much.... Marie Claude Hogan.
Hunt, Ian Robert
- Home base has been US for last 6 years. Lucky to have had the chance to see some of the world - still much to see. My email address is : ianrhunt@nc.rr.com. Email me :)
Ingold, Douglas
Ingold, Max
- I worked in the airline industry for 16 years; 11 of them with Bombardier as a Technical Rep. I'm married to Heather Henshall and have two daughters, Natasha (7) and Sarah (5). Hung up my travelling Rep job in June 1999 and have gone back to school studying to be a Chiropractic Doctor. My email address is : moonriver1990@hotmail.com. Email me :)
Kelly, Pierre Andrew
Lacasse, Jacques
Lamontagne, Josée *
Langlis, Joanne C.
Landsky, Carl Ernest
Lavallée, Barry Daniel
Lavallée, Janet Renie
Loweryson, Sandra A.
MacKenzie, Dwain A.
- I graduated from QEHS but can't say the same about U.N.B. Moved out to Edmonton in 1982 and have lived here since. Married to Julie with two girls aged 12 and 9. Heavy duty mechanic working in northern Alberta and N.W.T.. My email address is : dmack11@telusplanet.net. Email me :)
Maes, Emmanuel
Marshall, George H.C.
- George lives and works in Montreal.
Martin, Betty-Ann
- Hi everyone, last update you have on me was done by an old Basket-Ball buddy , Pam Nadeau. I have heard that there is going to be a reunion in Aug. 2005 , sounds great. I have been back to Sept-Iles a few times to visit Tish Cormier, it still looks the same. I am a mother of four wonderful boys, Bobby 20, Chris 18, Patrick 9 and Philippe 7. I did go back to school to study Special Care Councelling. I finished in 1996, but only decided to work after my youngest started school. I am presently working for Batshaw Youth and Family center as an Educator. At times it is a challenging job,but I love it. I have been married twice, still with Eric (16 years) he is a pilot with Air Canada, great for travelling benefits. I will stick with him he is a good and loving husband and father. I plan to attend the reunion of 2005, love to see everyone again, take care. My email address is : ericsavoie@videotron.ca. Email me :)
Martinello, Jean Pierre
- Hello fellow 1980 graduates, I am currently posted to CFB Halifax and live nearby in Lower Sackville, I am married to a "Bluenoser" Coleen, and have one son, Mitchell,17 years old, and two shetland sheepdogs. I am nearing my 20th year in the Navy and enjoying it immensely. I am presently holding the position of Coxswain onboard the HMCS Anticosti. I look forward to hearing from my fellow classmates and hope that we can get together for a reunion in the not too distant future.
(update October 2004). Here is our new email and home address :
JP & Coleen Martinello
110 Rue Rimbaud
St Jean-sur-Richelieu
Quebec, J2W 1Y8
tel: (450) 349-7207
Massé, William Brian
- Married to Kim, with 2 kids -- Ricky, 10 and Jennifer, 7. Work as a foreman for a roofing company. I will soon have an eMail address and will update my information then!
McKim, Christine Susanne
Morangelli, Guy Tony Max
Morin, Paul
- Hello Gang! Anybody remember me? Sort of lost track of u all since '80.
- Actually Grad. CEGEP after 7 years! Wildlife & Fisheries Mngt Tech. @ Vanier College. Went to SLC CRC Ste-Foy, QC. for the 1st 3! to relearn after my accident in '80. Went to Game Warden School & Aced a course & exam while in Mt. Laurier! & scored 134th out of 2000! in a MLCP contest. Worked in Schefferville & R. du Loup in '88 & '89? SAAQ retired me after a court battle & lots of MD exams between '91 & '94. Live in a Townhouse style Condo near Windmill Point! Hope to contact & hear from the GANG! I am still SINGLE! LOL! My email address is : paulmorin1963@hotmail.com. Email me :)
Morin, Philippe Lucien
Morris, Grant John
- Grant was Principal of both Queen Elizabeth High School and Flemming Elementary School. Grant has moved to Barrie, Ontario as of June 30th, 1999. Grant will return to teaching.
Murray, Donna
Noke, Roger
Packer, David
Paquet, Patrice Louis
- Married to Cindy Cardinal (Grad '81) and she's still a babe. 2 boys; Justin (14) and Matthew (12), both awesome in all they do and in their concern for others. Justin is into racing and Matthew is a nature bug - makes for interesting conversations. I now work with Purolator Air Filtration as Vice President of Sales and Marketing and live in Wake Forest, North Carolina. We are continuing to move further and further south in search of eternal sunshine. Landed this position in spring 2003 and doing very well. I guess it would be an understatement to say that we have been blessed. Past few years have provided for world travels including Japan and Europe. Made our way to Hawaii this past Xmas and got the bug - looking to go back this year as the beaches and constant 80 degree weather was too alluring. Not ashamed to say I don't miss the snow, although the kids often reminisce. We make our way back to Sept-Iles every year to see my folks - still a beautiful area. Sunsets rivaled only by those in Maui. Contact us when you get a minute and tell us how you are doing. Our home is open to you if you are in the area.
Paquet, Patricia*
- Hi everyone. This is real neat. My sister told me about your site. Actually I didn't graduate at Queenie but went there for three years. I was in Michele Gregoire's class. Those were great years!!! I'm still a hairdresser and I do it at home now. I'm married to Jocelyn Dupuis and have a lovely daugher of 13. She sudies at Les Grands Ballets Canadien. Life is good and I'm real pleased to read your updates on everyone. Keep up the good work. My email address is : pat01@videotron.ca. Email me :)
Pidgeon, Thomas Michel
- Hi guys! From the Cégep de Sept-Iles I went on to Chiropractic College in Toronto. I graduated in 1986 and set up a practice in Sept-Iles. I practiced for 9 years (and got not so bad too!). I married my secretary (isn't it always that way?!) in 1990 and we have two boys, Joseph and Paul. We packed up in 1995 to go back to bible school, and spent 3 years there to learn to become a missionary or pastor. Now we are finally back in la "Côte-Nord" where I get to do my two most favorite things: I am the pastor of l'Église Évangélique Baptiste de Port-Cartier at the same time as practicing chiropractic here in Port-Cartier. Do get in touch, or give us a buzz if you are in the area!! My email address is : jacquespoirier.dc@cgocable.ca. Email me :)
Rowsell, Cindy J.
- Hi everyone, yes I'm still living in Sept-Iles even though I said that once I graduated I was leaving here and never coming back, except of course to visit my folks. Funny though I have no regrets whatsoever. After graduation I studied for 3 years in Montreal, Police Technologie believe it or not. Now I'm sure you're all wondering whether or not I'm a Police Officer. No!!!!!! I decided that it wasn't for me . I came back home and worked for 5 years in a Pharmacie, after that I taught English and was also Director of the Language Institute that I worked for, for a total of 5 years. Now I know what you're probably thinking, her limit seems to be 5 years, but you'd be wrong because I now work at Comfort Inn Sept-Iles and it will be 7 years in February, 2004. Guess who my boss is? Give up? Bernita Lavalle!!!! Needless to say I have a great boss and we get along terrifically.
- I have been with the love of my love for a little over 12 years, his name is Ghislain Paquet and he works for the Iron Ore Company of Canada in Human Ressources. We have 2 wonderful children, Nicholas 12 and Melissa 9. There aren't very many of us left in Sept-Iles so it would be great to here from some of you, especially the old gang(you know who you are). I would really like to hear from Diane Viel because we lost touch years ago and I don't think she's been back to Sept-Iles since then. Anyhow it would be great to hear from anyone of you whether you graduated with me or not. Here's my E-mail address : ghislainp@cgocable.ca. Email me :)
Salem, Acram Mahmoud
Sanderson, Brenda J.
- Still in Halifax with partner Bob and Stanley (a parrot who owns our kitchen). Currently the Associate Creative Director at the advertising firm responsible for marketing Nova Scotia - so if you see a TV spot for vacationing in Nova Scotia think of me. The Sanderson family are all
within metro - Lynn is a 10 minute walk from my house and both Brian and Sharon and their families live in the area. Mom and Dad are 2 hours away. Have heard from Paul Morin, Sue Troy and Gail Fenderson - all through this site!
- Update (04/08/2006) : Have been in Montreal since March 2006. Am now the Director of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations. My job takes me around the world - which I love.
- For any QEHS amumni in Montreal, you can find me online at : users.eastlink.ca/~bsanderson. My email address is : bsanderson@icograda.org. Email me :)
Sanfilippo, Maria Antonella
Sikakane, Crown Mqhele
Sikakane, Wiseman
St-Pierre, Charlene
- I have been married for five years. I have one daughter who is 3 years old. Work as a medical secretary at Dr. St-Pierre Clinic in Cornwall. I still have a dog, two cats and a horse. The horse is kept at my mother paradise ranch. I would be pleased to hear from felow student who wish to correspond with me. Keep me posted for future class reunion.
Talbot, Christine*
I would have graduated in 1980 but I moved away in my final year. I went to St - Mary's and graduated centuries ago. I have 2 children Danielle 14 and Xavier 10. THEY ARE GREAT! I moved around so much since leaving SeptIles, Labrador City... Halifax...Toronto... back to Halifax....Toronto....Montreal to finally end up in Riverview N.B. I hope to hear from some of you. My email address is : talbot@fundy.net. Email me :)
Thoms, Kurt
- (2000/09/20) Nice to see that QEHS has put up a web site. I have been married for 15 years (Barbara) and we have two children (Kim 9, Tim 6). We have lived in the Montreal area for the last 17 years. I was really part of the previous year but I went away to Alexander Galt (Lennoxville) and returned to obtain additional courses to enter a computer program. I am currently employed as a Process Specialist with PeopleSoft Canada. The life of a travelling Consultant!!! Please e-mail me at kurt.thoms@aero.bombardier.com.
Traverse, Brian
- Brian is a business administration teacher at the Cégep de Sept-Iles and recently got married. (N.R. '86)
Tremblay, Mary Suzie
- I've just found this site by chance and its great to hear about all of you. I have lived in England for 8 years and I have been married to an Irishman for 5 years. I have a little boy of 2, Gene, and am expecting a second child in May 2002. I entered the IT industry a few years ago and I currently manage a software company. I would love to catch up with old friends. My email address is : tremblay@netcomuk.co.uk. Email me :)
Trepanier, Roch
Troy, Susan Darlene
- I am a secretary at East Grand School (K-12) in Danforth, Maine. I have been married for 11 years and have two children. Ashley is 11 and Tyler is 9 1/2. My husband's name is Kenny and he is a truck driver. Enjoying life greatly. Love to hear from all of you. My email address is : slangill@eastgrandschool.org. Email me :)
Viel, Diane C.
Vigneault, Sonia
Wilson, Sandra
Our thanks go to Lise Babin, and all of you who have collaborated on this page.
You can send your bio by email to Steve Geronazzo. Thank you for your cooperation.
Last updated : October 26th, 2009.