2000 page
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2002 Page

2001 Graduates

Allen, Crystal

Babin, Mathieu

Baskin, Kirk

Belanger, Genova

Dallaire, Cindy

Gendreau, Anne-Marie

Gendreau, Natalie

I am presently living in Nova Scotia. Working as a Maternity/Labour and Delivery Nurse. I graduated in 2006 from the University of New Brunswick and moved away last June. Its crazy to think that I welcome new babies to the world for a job !! :) Loving it. I do come back once in a while to Montreal, Qc to visit family. Missing the province a little, will for sure come back some day.

Kanungo, Soumik *

- I left QEHS in 2000 because my parents wanted change we moved to Montreal. I finished high school at McDonald Cartier, then went to Champlain College and am now presently studying at MCGILL University in Montreal. I have also started a small music distribution company everything is great. QEHS will always be in my heart from the good memories, laughter and friends i made. Contact me hopefuly we will meet again someday and we can discuss QEHS. My email address is : innovationcanada@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Moleski, Michael

- To whoever's out there. This is so nostalgic. I'm writing this on march 20th, 2006. I am at Concordia university in MTL, studying civil engineering. Am in contact with much of my former classmates: some of them live close by. I'm happy. Good memories at QEHS. If you're reading this, post something. Maybe a reunion some day. Who knows... My email address is : mike_c_moleski@hotmail.com. Email me :)

Noel, Cathleen

- After graduating, I went to CEGEP in sept-iles, without any succes, I dropped out after 3 months! For the following 2 years I started working here and there getting experience.

- In sept. 04 I decided to go back in school, at Centre A.W. Gagné here in sept-iles, It's a two year program. Hopefully succes will lead me to go work out in quebec city !

- (update : 21-09-2006) - I completed my two year D.E.P. In industrial drafting. I am working for a good company here in Sept-Iles since dec. 06. My sister had two girls, Alyson and Naomie, and I am he Godmother of Naomie, They are both so cute ! My email address is : cathleen_noel@hotmail.com. Email me :) I'm always up for a beer or something !

Ouellette, Melissa

Roberts, Stephanie

Ringuette, Andrea

Strickland, Jamie

Vaillancourt, Lea

Vaillancourt, Lee

2000 page
Stuck in a frame?
2002 Page

Our thanks go to Lise Babin, and all of you who have collaborated on this page.

You can send your bio by email to Steve Geronazzo. Thank you for your cooperation.

Last updated : October 26th, 2009.