About Apogée


Alain Gauthier

To experience Apogée is to soar to the outer reaches of emotional liberation. Launched to the edge of physical expression from the bed of a trampoline, Apogée marries a startling range of aerial- and ground-based movement to conjure a transformative, gravity-defying work of pure dance that penetrates right to the heart. Created by Debra Brown, award-winning choreographer for Cirque du Soleil, Apogée combines movements of stunning risk and simple grace within a luminous theatrical context.

Featuring a brilliant cast of performers, Apogée is a daring, skillful and passionate exploration of the human struggle to be free. Using a trampoline and a variety of aerial devices, the dancers fly and fall or appear serenely suspended.

Apogée can be tailored to a variety of situations, from a 5 minute industrial show or short gala to a full 11/2 hour theatrical performance. Drawing on the talents of many of those artists with whom she has had the pleasure of working over the years, Debra continues to inspire their collaboration in this ongoing fusion of acrobatics, dance, theatre and music.


Watch for the new work ON AIR.



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